Friday, July 2, 2010

Cupcakes les Deux

Because Canada Day was on a Thursday this year, work was fairly slow today. The solution to boredom? That would be baking cupcakes. The flavors that won out were chocolate mayonnaise from How to Eat a Cupcake and Key Lime.

The chocolate ones are never a let down and stay super moist and chocolatey (I did add extra melted chocolate and some cocoa) and I made chocolate buttercream icing rather than the chocolate glaze as suggested on Cassie's site.

As for the key lime, we had mass amounts of limes for beer. The icing is a lime cream cheese almost glaze rather than icing in consistancy and I topped it with some candied lime zest. I was told that they were quite possibly the best cupcakes someone's ever had. There was one woman who came in to buy some of the lemon drop cupcakes I made earlier in the week because she thought they were amazing but we were out, so she bought a bunch of these ones instead and seemed quite happy about it.

I'll be taking some to a barbecue tomorrow to test them out so we'll see what the verdict is.

The whole wheat maple banana bread is my go-to for banana breads. There's no story for it, I just needed something for my Dad's morning snack at work and it does look rather tasty non? I always sprinkly sugar in the raw on top for a little bit of extra crunch.