The chocolate ones are never a let down and stay super moist and chocolatey (I did add extra melted chocolate and some cocoa) and I made chocolate buttercream icing rather than the chocolate glaze as suggested on Cassie's site.
As for the key lime, we had mass amounts of limes for beer. The icing is a lime cream cheese almost glaze rather than icing in consistancy and I topped it with some candied lime zest. I was told that they were quite possibly the best cupcakes someone's ever had. There was one woman who came in to buy some of the lemon drop cupcakes I made earlier in the week because she thought they were amazing but we were out, so she bought a bunch of these ones instead and seemed quite happy about it.
The cupcakes sound amazing and how lucky are you to have such an amazing job where you get to bake!! I would love that!! The lime cupcakes sound really good, I've only had lime and cocomut cupcakes but definately will give this a go xx